ANTONIO: Diablos MC Page 2
“Oh trust me. I would let him in a heartbeat.” She says with a quiet moan.
We spend the next 20 minutes gathering our products and talking about the different men we saw today. And how each of them had their own interesting things about them. But we both agreed the only ones either of us would fuck are Toni and Tank.
The second I make my observation out loud I want to put my foot in my mouth and crawl under a rock. “Well I can guarantee you Monica, I don’t want anything to do with Tank. The only one who got me all worked up was Toni. Seriously my thong was soaked the entire time he was standing near me.”
Out of nowhere I feel his breath on my neck and he whispers “Do I make you soaking wet right now baby.” I jump to the side and scream. When I turn around I am right in front of Toni. He heard everything I said. Could today get any more embarrassing. I need to get home and start today over again. He just stands there smiling at me. He knows he gets me worked up and if he wanted to have me he could probably have me where ever he wanted me.
I ignore his comment and turn around from him to look at Monica who is just standing there smiling at the two of us. “Monica are you done. I would really like to get going and maybe start this day all over again. How embarrassing.” I whisper that last part. The young lady working the register just stairs wide eyed at the entire interaction going on in front of her. I wonder if she is wide eyed because Toni is standing here being sexy as hell or is she wide eyed because she is scared. I really hope it is her being scared because for some reason thinking about her finding Toni hot pisses me off. But he is not mine and I don’t know shit about this guy so I just push those feelings aside. I need to get Monica out of this store as quick as possible. When the cashier reaches to give me the bags Toni pushes his body right up against mine and says “I will take those for you lovely ladies.” When he pushes against me I can feel his hard member pushing into my back. I try to ignore how great it feels against me but my bitch of a body instantly pushes back against him. Creating a friction that ignites a growl from deep inside Toni. His growl sends shiver down my body showing my want for him. Ignoring my own reaction, I push back against him hard enough for him to step back and I scoot around him. I have to get away from him before I do something I will regret in this store. Monica links her arm with mine and we make our way out to the car. Once we get out there with Toni behind carrying our bags Jose grumbles “It took you long enough. Damn Monica what did you do buy the entire store.” He bitches as he helps Toni put the bags in the back of Monica’s Honda Civic.
“I didn’t buy the entire store. Just half of it.” Monica says sticking her tongue out at him.
Jose chuckles. You can see Jose loves his cousin deeply. But like any other relative she can piss him off quickly. When all the groceries are loaded into the trunk of the car Toni grabs my hand and pulls me flush to his body. “I want to see you again.”
As much as I want to I can’t get mixed up with him. Or someone like him. “Sorry I can’t.”
“Yes she can.” Monica yells while getting into her car.
“No really I can’t. Sorry.” I pull away from him.
I go to walk to the car door and Toni grabs my arm to stop me. “And why can’t you see me again.” He asks. Clearly not happy with me blowing him off.
Yanking my arm out of his grip I say “Sorry. I will be washing my hair.” And I slip into Monica’s car. When I get in and lock the door I hear Jose laugh so loud it vibrates throughout the car. Looking in the mirror I see Toni punch Jose in the face again and yell for him to get on his bike. Yeah he is pissed off at me blowing him off. And I did do it in a bad way but I can’t. I just can’t get involved with someone in his life style. When we are back on the high way set for our apartment I can finally relax a little. That is at least until Monica decides I need to hear her two cents on the situation.
“Why the hell did you blow him off so bad? He is fucking hot and obviously was into you.” She says sounding annoyed.
I sigh loudly. I was really hoping she would have my back and just let it be my choice and leave it alone. But clearly that isn’t going to happen. “Monica what would come of that. I am not the type of girl who only gets with a guy to have sex. I am a relationship kind of girl.”
“And? I still don’t see the problem. You don’t know anything about him. Hell for all you know he could be a relationship type of guy and that man could be your future husband and father of your kids.”
I laugh at her statement “And he also could not want relationships at all and I am just the next pussy for him to sink into and then dump to the curb.”
Monica laughs. “Ok good point. But please if you see him again just have an opened mind. You never know. He could be the man of your dreams.”
Rolling my eyes “Fine. If I ever see him again I will play nice. Hell maybe I will even fuck him just for fun.” Yeah I try to be sarcastic but I should have known. It never works for me.
Monica gets a huge smile on her face and says “Great. Well you better get your vagina ready because we have been invited to a party tonight at the clubhouse and I already told them we would go.”
“WHAT!!” I yell. “You little bitch. Why would you do that.” And where the hell was I when she was asked. I don’t remember any of this in any of the conversations either of us had.
“Because honestly I want to see Tank again and he wants to see me. He wrote Jose and told him to make sure I come tonight. And I am not dumb. I am not going to go there alone. And since you’re my best friend you have to go with me. Plus, I think Toni really would be happy to see you. You know damn well you have the hots for that man. So get over yourself. We leave at 8 and you better look hot. Since you know Toni will be there.”
Signing I say “Fine.” I say in defeat. “I will go to support you.” She is right. I can’t let her go alone. We have always had the buddy system for situations like this. Yeah it might sound childish but hey a girl has to have someone watch her back sometimes. “So you like Tank?”
She just shrugs. “He is hot. I mean I am not looking to get married or anything like you.” She says pointing her finger at me. “But I think he could be a fun distraction for the time being.”
I shake my head in agreement. She is so focused on her schooling she isn’t looking for anything serious. Monica is totally the opposite of me. I don’t mind having the occasional hook up to scratch an itch if it has been awhile and I mean a long while but I would rather be committed with someone. I would rather know when my day is over I have someone to go home to. But not Monica. She says there is plenty of time in life for all that lovey dovey bullshit. Right now is all about having fun and learning what you want and don’t want in a man. Which I can agree with her somewhat. But I just don’t have an interest in hooking up to just get laid without anything in return. Which is why I have avoided most guys at school and focused on getting my degree. But now I will be face to face again with the one man who turned me on just by the way he looks at me. I don’t know what it is about Toni but I do feel a pull to him. I just don’t want to give in to him instantly. If he wants me as bad as Monica thinks he does. Well then I am going to make him work for it. And make him want it worse than anyone ever before.
The ride back to the club house does nothing to help relieve my anger. I am beyond pissed. Not only did Bambi hurt Haylee and I am going to teach that fucker a lesson about hurting woman even if it is just an accident. But she turned me on more than I have ever been before. So I am riding back with a hard as hell dick. With obviously no relief in sight because the little bitch turned me down. Embarrassed the hell out of me by saying she will be washing her hair. Who the fuck does she think she is. I could see in her eyes she thinks she is better than I am which is probably true. Most people are better than me. But damn her body was screaming for me to throw her down and fuck her right there in the store. I still want to fuck her but obviously I read the signs wrong because she doesn’t want shit t
o do with me.
When we get back I throw my helmet on the ground by my bike and storm into the clubhouse. Slamming my hand down on the bar top I yell to the prospect behind the bar “Get me a fucker beer and I want it now.” Quickly the shit head pops a top and hands me my beer. While I am chugging it Bambi walks in the door chuckling. I am going to kill that fucker. “Get that fucking smirk off your face before I punch you for a third time today. And this time I will be sure to break your fucking jaw.” I say through clenched teeth.
Viper comes around the corner and sees me zeroed in on the fucking asshole in front of me. “Bambi what the fuck did you do to Toni to get him so pissed off.”
Bambi shakes his head no “Honestly I didn’t do anything. But I know what has his panties in a bunch and it has to do with a tiny little woman with black hair and bright green eyes if that helps you any.”
“Oh it has to do with you. You fucking hurt her. I don’t care if it was accident or not you still hurt her and I will fuck you up for that.” I say charging towards him but viper grabs me and stops me before I release all my anger out on the little fucker.
“Bambi get the fuck out of here. I am sure you can find something else to do that is more worth your time than to piss off the one person you know who can kill you in one swift motion.” Viper says pushing Bambi on. Once he leaves Viper turns his attention back to me. “What the fuck happened after we left.”
Rubbing my hands over my face I say “I don’t fucking know. There is just something about that girl that got stuck under my skin and then she fuckin turned me down in the worst way. And in front of fucking Bambi. It pissed me off.”
“Okay. How did she turn you down?” Viper looks at me curious.
Taking a deep breath to help control my temper I calmly say “She told me she would be washing her hair.”
Viper starts laughing “Ouch brother. So she really doesn’t want to see you again.”
Taking a big gulp of my beer “Apparently not.”
“Well there is plenty of pussy here that will gladly skip washing their hair for a month just to get in your bed.” He says sweeping his arm around showing me all the club mommas waiting and ready for us brothers whenever we want.
“Yeah I might just have to take advantage of one or hell maybe three before the end of the night.” I say smiling while finishing my beer. I will take one of them to my bed before the end of the night but it won’t be them I will be fucking. In my mind I will sinking my cock deep inside the prissy little bitch who is too good for me.
“What the hell is all this drama I keep hearing about. Bambi is saying you got your panties in a bunch over a woman who turned you down.” Tank says walking out of his office.
Viper turns and says to Tank “She turned him down in front of Bambi saying she will be washing her hair. Basically telling him to fuck off. I think it hurt the pretty boy.” I don’t know why they all call me pretty boy. My eyes are so dark they are almost black which matches my hair. And my body and skin tone matches everyone here. Sure all the woman seems to flock to me first before they venture on to the other brothers but I can’t help that. Maybe they heard how hung I am. But that doesn’t make me a pretty boy. I personally hate that fuckin nick name. Thankfully it just gets said every now and then and isn’t something I had to patch on my cut.
“Well I can guarantee she won’t be washing her hair all night long.” Tank says with an evil smirk on his face.
“What the hell does that mean?”
“Oh nothing.” He shrugs “Your gonna be here tonight right?” Tank asks.
“Where else would I be?” I say a little annoyed.
Tank smiles and shakes his head yes. He is up to something but I am not in a mood to play his fucking little games. Honestly I am not in the mood for any of this shit. Putting down my beer bottle I walk past Viper and head towards my room. Hopefully a cold shower and maybe a little sleep will help get me out of my mood. What the hell is wrong with me. Bitches never get under my skin ever. So why now? Why does this little bitch? Oh yeah I could tell you because she was fucking beautiful. And she clearly wanted me as much as I wanted her. But yet again my life style got in the way. Sometimes choosing to join a gang wasn’t the smartest thing to do but if I hadn’t I would most likely be dead or in prison. And neither of them sound like a good place to be. But this group is my family and they are always there for me no matter what. I wouldn’t change it for anything or anyone. No bitch is worth making my family anymore. I tried that before and well that turned to shit really quick. All anyone wants in life is sex and money. No need for love or any of that shit. But I know Haylee is into all that love shit. I don’t need to know her well enough to see that. So maybe it is a good thing she turned me down. She wants something more and I want a piece of ass. Clearly not on the same page so she is right. She is better than me. And it should be left at that.
“Haylee lets fucking go.” Monica yells from down the hall.
I look one last time in the mirror to see if I look good to go. I mean I know I look good but I guess I want to make sure I look sexy. Toni clearly wants me so let’s see how much he wants me. And which Haylee he prefers. Which is why I am choosing to go the way I am. I pulled my long black hair up into a high tight pony tail, dark eye shadow to make my green eyes pop more than they already do, I am wearing a red lacey tank top with a black bra underneath that shows through a little, a tight black skirt that barely covers my ass and my black calf high hooker boots. Yep if the biker boy wants a biker chick well than damn it I will be one for tonight. I can always say no and come home to watch re-runs of Gilmore girls and eat my chunky monkey ice cream. Not a bad second option ever if my nights never work out right. Deciding I look just right I walk out into the living room to find Monica wearing a strapless black body fitting dress that comes down long enough to cover the bottom of her plump ass cheeks. She turns towards me and stops in her tracks with mouth hanging opened and wide eyes.
“Holy shit Haylee. You are going to give that boy a fucking heart attack. For someone who doesn’t want him you sure as hell just gave him an invitation to fuck your brains out with that outfit.”
I just shrug. “Maybe I do and maybe I don’t. Either way I look hot and I am ready to get my drink on and have some fun.” Yeah I want him but I also want to fuck with him a little tonight. Which is why I am wearing this outfit. Make biker boy beg me for it.
We gather the rest of our things and head out the door. It doesn’t take long to get to the clubhouse. When we get out of the car I instantly regret wearing my outfit. Yeah I want to turn on Toni and tease him but clearly I also am getting the attention of everyone else around me. As Monica and I walk arm in arm into the building we get cat called and whistled at. Honestly nothing new but here it feels different. It feels dirty. I need a beer to settle my nerves. When we walk into the door the room goes silent. I wasn’t ready for that. Maybe we weren’t as welcomed as Monica thinks we are. Bambi walks over to us and asks quietly “Monica what the fuck are you doing here?” He grabs both of our arms and drags us back outside.
“You invited me asshole.” Monica says pushing him away.
“Yeah and when you told me you were coming I told you to fucking stay away. This is not a place for girls like you two. Seriously do yourself a favor and get the fuck out of here.” He says trying to push us back to our car.
“Bambi.” Someone yells behind us. “What the hell are you doing?”
All three of us stop in our tracks and slowly turn back around to see who is yelling. Clearly Jose knows who it is because he backs away from us as if we have some awful disease, puts a smile on his face and says “I am just helping the girls find something in their car.” He turns and looks at Monica with a look in his eyes clearly asking to help him out “Wasn’t I Monica.”
“Really. Because I could have sworn I thought I heard you tell her to get the fuck out of here. Someone I invited. You’re telling her to leave. Is t
hat what I heard prospect.” Tank is pissed. That much is clear. I kind of feel bad for Jose.
Jose hangs his head. “Sorry Tank. I wasn’t doing it to be disrespectful to you. Just trying to look out for my cousin.”
“Why would you have to look out for your cousin. What do you think I would do to her that would be so bad?” Tank asks getting right up into Jose’s face.
“Nothing Pres. I don’t think you would do anything to hurt her. I just know my cousin here has worked her ass off to get to where she is and I want to make sure she stays on track. Like I said not meaning to offend you just want to make sure she is looked out for.”
Tank smiles and shakes his head yes. “Bambi, that is the sweetest thing I have ever heard you say. You clearly love your cousin and trust me I won’t hurt her. And to make sure no one else does either.” Tank turns towards everyone outside and yells “These two beautiful ladies are off limits unless I say otherwise. Does everyone understand that.”