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ANTONIO: Diablos MC Page 3
ANTONIO: Diablos MC Read online
Page 3
Everyone grunts or groans their response. Tank turns back around and says “See taken care of Bambi. Your cousin and her friend are protected. Now can I please escort my guests back into my club house and start enjoying my party.”
Jose steps back and moves out of our way. I turn look at him and wink. He truly is a sweetheart. He gets a huge smile on his face and follows as Tank holds both of our hands and walks us back into the clubhouse. Once back inside Tank yells “These two ladies are off limits unless I say otherwise.” Yet again everyone grunts and groans. Except for one. When we walk back in I instantly lock eyes with Toni. He has a woman straddling his lap with his face buried in between her bare chest. As soon as it registers to him who I am he pushes the woman off his lap and storms over to me. I stand there mouth wide opened in shock. I can’t believe he just pushed that woman off of him as if she didn’t mean anything. Clearly she gets up pissed off and yells “Fuck you Toni.” He just ignores her and comes over and gets right into my face. “Thought you were busy washing your fucking hair.” Yeah he is pissed. But I ignore his question.
“Is that woman ok. You just throw her to the ground.” I say looking around him trying to see if she is ok.
“She is fucking fine. Don’t worry about her. What the fuck are you doing here Haylee. If I remember right just a few hours ago you said you would be busy washing your hair.” He says angry. I roll my eyes and turn back toward where Monica and Tank are standing. Toni follows my direction sees Monica standing wrapped in Tanks arms. He points to Tank and says “You. You did this.”
Tank just shrugs. “I invited them.”
“And you couldn’t have warned me earlier when we were talking.” Toni says through clenched teeth.
Tank shakes his head no. “Sorry brother. Just wanted to have a little fun with ya.” The smile on his face shows how much he is enjoying playing with Toni.
“Asshole.” Toni says rubbing his face. He grabs on to my arm and says “Come with me.”
Tank steps up and says “Nope. Sorry brother. I already laid out the rules. Hands off either of these two until I say.”
“Your claiming Haylee. The woman you all clearly know I had interest in first.” Toni says loudly.
Tank gets up into his face “Not claiming brother. I invited them which means they are my responsibility and until either one of these ladies tells me others wise they are mine. So for now hands off. If Haylee choses she wants to do something more with someone she can tell me and I will gladly lay off. But until then hands off.”
Toni turns to me and says “Haylee tell him you want to come with me.”
I can’t believe the conversation I am hearing. Claiming and all that shit. As if I am someone’s property. Honestly I am happy to have Tank claim me for protection but I will not be claimed as if I belong to someone. Like Toni is insinuating. Completely insulted I turn to Tank and say “Can I please have a beer Tank.” And walk over to where Monica is standing.
“Whatever you want my beauties.” He smiles wide. Clearly loving that I didn’t fall right into Toni’s hands. Toni storms off and throws himself back onto the couch pouting like a big baby. All three of us laugh. “Oh Haylee that was fun. You know he clearly wants you.” Tank says taking a drink of his beer.
“Oh she knows. She wants him to work for it if he wants it bad enough.” Monica says. I give her an evil stare wanting her to stop talking but she doesn’t. “See Tank Haylee here is the good girl. She doesn’t do many one night stands and she thinks that is all she would be for Toni.”
Tank looks at me and shrugs “It might be. But I can tell you I have seen him with many women but I have never seen him as worked up over one as he has been all day over you. So as much as I love to torment the man just don’t torment him too much. If you really do want him then cut him a little slack. If you don’t then cool. Like I said. Whatever you want.”
I shake my head in agreement. I know what he is talking about. “I won’t mess with him too much. Just for a little while longer. Then I will put him out of his misery.”
Tank lifts his hand up and gives me a high five. Turning to Monica he says “Your friend here is awesome.”
She shrugs “Yeah she is alright.”
We all laugh. It’s easy to be around Tank. Earlier today I never would have thought I would enjoy just hanging out with him. But I do. Yeah he is big, way taller than either Monica or I, shows off the authority in him for being the club president, but he is funny, sweet and damn he is hot as hell. Not as sexy as Toni but hot in his own little ways. Tank stands there with Monica and I for almost 2 hours. Just talking, laughing and I help those two get to know one another a little better. After a little while Tank turns to me and asks “Would you mind if Monica and I slipped away for a little while. I really want some alone time with her but I don’t want to leave you out here alone if you don’t feel comfortable.”
I wave my hand “Go. Have some fun but remember to be safe.” They both chuckle and before they walk away Tank turns to me and says “If you choose to have a little alone time with Toni I give him permission. But no one else. And I am telling you this because since I said hands off he can’t touch you unless I give permission. Sorry just the way this club works. So just tell him I told you I give permission.” He winks at me.
“Thanks Tank.” And they walk off leaving me alone at the bar. I enjoy my little moment of solitude until I start getting circled by the vultures. And by vultures I mean other woman in the building. Several walk past me and call me a whore, bitch, slut, told me to take my nasty cunt and walk back out the door. Others just bump into me on purpose. One looked like she was about to punch me but before I could react a hand comes out of nowhere grabs the woman and walks her straight out the door.
After throwing the woman out Toni comes back over. Runs his finger down my cheek and asks quietly “Are you ok?”
I shake my head yes. “Is that lady ok? You just threw her out the door. Like literally threw her out the door. Is this a habit for you to throw woman around because to be honest I won’t tolerate that.”
Toni laughs. Rubbing the side of my face. “Baby I would never treat you like that.”
“But I have seen you treat 2 women like that since I have walked in here. A lady should never be treated like that.”
He shakes his head no. “Baby those two are not ladies. Hell half the woman in here are not ladies. They are club whores.”
I gasp in shock. I can’t believe he called them that. He must sense my disgust because he leans in closer and whispers “Baby I am not saying that to be mean. They are actual whores. They come here and their only purpose is to spread their legs when told to.”
I look at him with confusion. “And you’re ok with this?”
He just shrugs as if it’s not a big deal. “They come in here knowing what will be expected from them. They want it. It’s kind of just how things are around here.”
I cross my arms over my chest and say in disgust. “Well I hope you don’t expect me to be like that because I will never become a club whore as you have put it.”
His face changes to show his anger “Fuck no I don’t want that. No one will ever touch you but me. Anyone who tries I will kill for laying even one finger on you. You are no club whore honey. Which is why all those whores were coming at you once Tank walked away. They assumed you are after Tank. You see all of those ladies as you call them come in here wishing to become someone’s old lady someday and they think spreading their legs for all the brothers will land them someone. It never does. Most of the time they just stay a club whore forever or until they leave. A few of them have ended up having one of the brother’s kids on accident but that never means they will become an old lady.” Placing both of his hands on my face softly. I can’t help but lean into his embrace. “But someone like you. Well you are old lady material. And they are jealous of that. They just don’t realize who you belong to.” He says it as if it is a matter of fact I am his.
My defiant self makes an a
ppearance “And what if I don’t want to be yours. What if I don’t want to be any one’s old lady?” Saying a praise of thanks right now to Monica for making me watch Sons of Anarchy with her. If I hadn’t I would be completely lost right now as to how half of this works. But I can’t tell between who is a club whore or who is an old lady. No one has anything on showing any difference so for now I will stay in the dark.
Toni grabs me by my waist and pulls me against his body. Leaning down he rubs his lips against my neck. “If you didn’t want me you wouldn’t be here. And you sure as hell wouldn’t be wearing this fucking sexy as hell outfit either. But just so you know in the future.” He leans up so we are eye to eye “I would prefer you to dress a little more like you were this afternoon at Mama’s. Not that you don’t look hot as hell but I don’t want everyone else to see your goods and honestly you were prettier and sexier before.”
That was the one thing I wanted to know. Did he want me to just be a whore on the side or did he actually want me for me? And hearing him say all that tells me he wants me. God damn I need to have this man. Leaning up I wrap my arms around his neck, pull his face to me and crash my lips into his. Toni wraps his arms around my body bringing me flush against him. Pushing his hard member into my stomach. The need to ravish each other’s mouths intensifies until someone clears their throat bringing us out of the moment. Toni turns his heads and stares hard at the man standing off to the side. “What the fuck do you want Viper.” Toni says clearly pissed at the guy who interrupted us. I examine his vest. It says Viper and underneath it says VP. So I am assuming the man standing before us is clearly the second in command around here.
Narrowing his eyes Viper says “Toni what the fuck are you doing? Did you not remember Tank saying hands off her until he says otherwise?”
Toni tightens his grip around my body and says “I don’t give a fuck. He knew I wanted her.”
Not liking where any of this is going I try and interrupt “Um. Guys. Hey.” But clearly no one is paying attention to me.
“You don’t give a fuck. Really. So you are disobeying an order from your president. All for some fucking pussy. You really want to put your patch in jeopardy for some fucking pussy.” Viper says walking closer to Toni.
Toni lets go of me and turns his body to confront Viper. Toni snares at him “She isn’t some fucking pussy and I won’t have any of you treating her like one.”
Ok. Enough of this testosterone filled moment and before Toni gets kicked out of his gang or beat up because of a miscommunication. I push Toni out of the way and jump in between the two men. Who instantly separate when I plant myself in between both of them. Holding my hands up “Seriously will you two fucking listen to me now. Tank told me if I wanted Toni he gave permission. Told me to tell him that myself since he is a little busy with my friend Monica. If you want to go interrupt him and ask, then by all means go ahead.”
Viper narrows his eyes at me and says “He really said that to you?”
Clearly not believing me. But thankfully before anything else can happen Bambi had gone back and got Tank out of the room with Monica. “Viper, Toni what the fuck is going on with you two. Why the fuck did Bambi come and interrupt my night just so I can play referee with two grown ass men.” Tank yells.
“Didn’t mean to interrupt anything pres. But I caught Toni here getting all handsy with one of the woman you claimed as hands off.” Viper says
Tank turns and looks at me. Giving him a small smile “Sorry Tank. I tried to tell them what you said but they are two men stuck in their testosterone filled argument they wouldn’t listen to me.”
Tank sighs rubbing his hands up and down his face. Shaking his head in aggravation “Sorry Haylee. I should have known that wouldn’t have been enough. Viper I did tell Haylee that. If she wants Toni, then they have my blessing.” He turns and looks at me with a smile “Darling are you done teasing him? Do you want Toni?” Tank asks. I look at Toni who is staring at me hard. I shake my head yes with a big smile. Tank holds his hands up and says “Toni she is all yours.”
Hearing one of the things said right now throws me for a loop. She wanted me but was playing me. She has wanted me all this time but just making me out to be a big fucking joke. First she embarrasses me in front of a fucking prospect at Mama’s. But now in front of all my brothers in my club house she is making me out to be big a joke. Once I hear Tank say he gives me a green light I bend down and sweep Haylee over my shoulders. I don’t wait to get her permission or to hear anything she has to say. With her over my shoulder I storm off towards my room. The brothers in the main room start cheering and hollering. This bitch thinks she can play me. Well I hope this just showed her and everyone I don’t play fucking games. I take what I want, when I want and you will like it. She continues to beat my back and telling me to put her down but I ignore her. Lifting my hand, I smack her hard on the ass. She yelps but stops wailing around or fighting me. It doesn’t take me long to get her into my room. Once I lock the door I slowly set her down, letting her slide down my body. When she is fully planted on the ground I start walking her backwards.
She can sense my anger because with a shaky voice she asks “Are you mad at me?”
“Oh baby you have no idea how angry I am right now.” I growl.
The second those words leave my mouth I instantly regret it. She shoves me back against the door and away from her. She keeps looking between me and door. Eyeing the door like she is thinking of a way to escape. I don’t really blame her. She doesn’t know me. She doesn’t know I would never hurt her. But I haven’t been showing very good examples of that at all since I met her. I punched Bambi in the face twice, shoved one club whore off my lap hard and then threw the other one out the door. And it doesn’t help that my looks are intimidating as hell. Especially when I am angry. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and move out of the way of the door. “If you want to leave you may do so at any time. I know I haven’t shown you very well tonight but I would never hurt you Haylee. Yes, I am an angry guy, I can and I will hurt people but I would never ever lay a finger on you like that.” Opening my eyes, I see her staring at me. Judging if I am lying or telling the truth. Something must settle inside of her because she turns away from the door and starts to scan my room. I have to know why she has been playing me so hard all day since I met her. Slowly sitting down on the edge of my bed I ask “Haylee.” She turns and looks at me. “I don’t like games. I don’t like playing with people’s emotions. I am a straight shooter. So if you are into games I am going to tell you now I will get angry. I will yell. I may even throw shit but I will never hurt you. But I have to ask. Why all the games. From the moment we met you were messing with me. I don’t understand.”
She pulls out my chair from under my desk and sits down. Looking down at her hands in her lap. “I am sorry Toni. Honestly I am. I don’t really like playing games either but I just feel like we are too opposite that this is a waste of time. I am just going to come out and say it. I am not like your club whores. I don’t do one night stands. I mean I have had a few one night stands but I don’t like them. I am a relationship type of girl.” Holy shit. Too much too fast. She must see the small panic set inside of me because she back tracks a little. “I mean I am not saying let’s run off and get married or anything like that. God I am saying this all wrong.” She hangs her head.
“You like commitment.” I say. She jerks her head up to me and after a few seconds she nods yes. She wants a man. She doesn’t want a boy who fucks around on her or isn’t there for her. “So you want something stable.” Yet again she shakes her head yes. I shake my head yes. I understand that. “Ok then I will be committed to you and only you.” I say with a shrug.
“What?” She asks confused.
“I like you. I don’t know why but I do. And I would like to take the time and get to know you. I don’t mind being committed to just one person. As long as that person is just as committed to me. If that i
s what you want, then I am all in.” I say as if it is no big deal because honestly it isn’t. If I have someone I care about then that’s the only person I want to be with. But if that person fucks around on me well then damn it so will I.
“So if I say no fucking anyone else while your fucking me you are all for that?” She asks me with a look on her face like she thinks I am lying.
I shake my head yes. She huffs and rolls her eyes. “Toni I don’t even know you. You could be lying to me and I will never know.”
“Then ask me anything and I will be completely honest with you.”
“What is your real name?” She asks.
Shit that’s easy. “Antonio Riccardo Hernandez. What is yours?” She wants to know me, well I want to know her.
“Haylee Emma Harper. Have you ever been married or engaged?” She asks straight faced.
SHIT. We go from very easy to hard ass shit within a matter of seconds. I told her I wouldn’t lie to her but no way in hell am I going to tell her about Vera. My biggest mistake of my life. I married Vera right when I patched into the gang. She was everything I thought I wanted in an old lady. But the second it was official everything went to shit. She started using drugs heavily, she fucked around on me all the time, ended up pregnant with someone else’s kid, and ran off to live with that shit head who she cheated on me with. Well one of the shit heads. I am not even sure he is the kid’s dad but whatever that is his problem. Except it isn’t just his problem because when I went and filed for divorce she up and disappeared. Now I can’t find her. No one can. Not even the fucking court system. So I could just simply tell her yes I am married but only because my bitch of a wife won’t come out of hiding. Although I don’t assume Haylee would be accepting of that. Knowing her that would be a deal breaker for her. I am technically a married man so to her it would be cheating. But hell I haven’t seen my crazy ass wife is over two years. So that has to count for something right. You would think but knowing a good girl like Haylee it wouldn’t mean anything. I am a married man. I can’t tell her any of this. I hate to lie to her but I know damn well no one in this club house will tell her. So what will it hurt to keep one small little lie. So quickly I say “I was married before but we got divorced shortly after we were married. But since then nope.” I mean eventually I will be divorced so it isn’t a complete lie. It is just the half-truth. To continue this back and forth I ask her the same question. “What about you. Ever been married or engaged?”