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ANTONIO: Diablos MC Page 4
ANTONIO: Diablos MC Read online
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“Nope neither. Although I did date this one guy all through high school and we promised to be together forever. You know that whole promise ring thing. But he went to school a few states over and after a year of doing the long distance relationship I decided I had enough and broke it off. But that was as close as I got. What made you two get divorced?”
Rubbing my face in frustration. Yeah I didn’t think this one through very well. Just tell the truth here and eventually none of it will be a lie. “She started using drugs and cheated on me. Wound up pregnant with someone else’s kid and that was that.”
“You’re sure the kid isn’t yours?” She asks as if she thinks I would abandon a kid of mine. I know I don’t want kids ever but fuck I am not that shitty of a guy.
“Well I am all Mexican as you can see and so was Vera so when the kid came out black as night I am gonna assume it wasn’t mine.” I say with a chuckle. That kid was so dark he almost looked purple. “Plus, when she got pregnant I had been gone for a few months. So the timing just all added up.”
She shakes her head in agreement. Can’t really argue with any of that. And all good reasons for getting divorced. When I fucking find her. “So do you have any kids.” She asks.
“Fuck no. And hopefully it stays that way.” I blurt out without thinking.
“You don’t want any kids?” She asks. Of course Haylee would want kids but I don’t at all.
So I figured I would answer her honestly. “I don’t ever want to have kids. I don’t have the first clue how to be a dad, never had a good one in my life so no good role model to look for, and honestly that is a burden I don’t fucking ever want to deal with. Sorry babe but no I never ever want to have kids.”
“Good to know.” She says looking down at the floor.
I am losing her. All this is good information to have but damn we went all heavy hard questions in a matter of minutes while being in here. I mean sure some day maybe I could enjoy spending the rest of my life with Haylee but I don’t even know the chick. We need to slow some of this shit down and get to just learning each other the natural way and having fun along the way. Getting up I walk to her and grab her hands pulling her up against me. Grabbing her chin so she has to look at me “Baby look I get it. All this information is important but it is not like we are deciding our entire future right here right now. How about we take a breather, a step back and just go at this the normal natural way. Learn about each other as we go and just fucking enjoy each other. And I will stay committed to you and only you along the way as long as that is what you want and as long as you stay committed to me. Does that sound like a good deal for now?”
Letting go of my hands she runs her hands up and down my chest. “So when you say enjoy each other you mean fuck each other’s brains out?” She asks as she slides her hand down over top of my jeans that is outlining my hard cock. I moan to show her she affects me. Slowly she slides my zipper down and rubs her index finger along the top of my boxers. The tip of my cock is poking out the top so every time she runs her finger over it she brushes the head of my cock and sends a shock through my body. God if she can affect me like this with just a light touch I can’t wait to further this along. Needing more contact, a slowly start to pull her tank top off her body. God she is beautiful. We both have so much need for one another that within minutes we are both standing naked in front of each other. I want to taste her juicy pussy so bad but right now all I can think of is burying myself deep inside her. Grabbing her by the waist I pick her up and push her against the wall. She wraps her legs around me and as soon as she does she a lines her pussy up with the tip of my cock. The sensation on the tip sends me into a frenzy and I slam my entire length inside of her. She screams out loud at the abrupt fullness. I hold myself there for a little while just enjoying the feel of her sweet pussy wrapped around my cock. I have slept with many woman and I mean many women but I have never felt anything like this in my life. I have to sit still for a little while longer or I am going to blow my load before I even get to move. Haylee starts to get frustrated and takes matters into her own hands. She begins to lift herself up and down my hard cock. Grabbing a hold of her ass I start to pound hard and fast into her. Only a few pumps and Haylee is moaning loudly while her pussy clenches down hard on my dick. Sending me over the edge and emptying every drop of cum deep inside of her. I have to brace myself on the wall because the intensity of that orgasm made me light headed. Out of nowhere Haylee starts to laugh. Pulling back, I look at her a little hurt. I thought that was fantastic and she laughs.
“Sorry. I am not laughing at you. Honestly I am not. I am laughing because god damn that was good. Like best I have ever had and we rushed into it. I can’t imagine what we will be like if we actually took our time.”
Leaning up and kissing her hard and deep. I pull back and say “Baby, you will get to experience all that soon enough. Because I am nowhere near done with you. I may never be done with you.”
When Toni said he may never get enough of me he was right. For the last two months we have spent every single second that we could together. And any chance we can we are having sex. Great mind blowing sex. But he has very quickly consumed so much of my life. Even when I am in class I am texting him just to keep a part of him with me. On the nights when he isn’t out doing runs or something for the club I stay with him at his apartment. It’s nothing to big or fancy but it is enough for the both of us. I can honestly say I have fallen deeply in love with him. But I just have a feeling. A deep nagging feeling that something is changing. Something is coming and I can’t put my finger on it. Maybe it is just me not feeling well. I have been fighting this flu for about a week now. Thankfully I got into my primary doctor pretty quickly so I can get checked out and figure out what the hell is wrong with me. Especially since we are about to take a little trip together with Monica and Tank to Las Vegas. I am so excited. Living so close to Vegas you would think that I would have been there at least once but nope I have never been. And even though I am not old enough to drink, well drink legally, I am still looking forward to just going and having some fun. All of us have been so stressed lately it will be good to get away. But first stop for me is the doctor’s office. Thankfully Monica came with me. Toni convinced her to come with me since he couldn’t. He said with me throwing up all the time I was too weak to drive myself. I called major bullshit on that one but I have learned over the last two months that it is best to not argue with Toni. When he says something it is best to just do it.
“Haylee how are you feeling.” Monica asks while we sit and wait in the doctors off for me to be called back.
“I am doing pretty good today. Haven’t thrown up as much today as the last few days.” I say rubbing my neck. I forgot how exhausting it is when you have the flu. My body feels so drained and all I want to do is sleep.
“Well I hope the doctor can give you some good meds so when we get to Vegas you won’t be stuck in bed the entire time.”
Before I can respond the nurse comes out and summons me back. Monica decides to stay in the waiting room and give me privacy with the doctor. When I first get back there they take all my vital signs and get me settled in before the doctor comes in. She comes in while the nurse is finishing up.
“Ms. Harper. I am Dr. James. I see here that you haven’t been feeling very well.” I shake my head yes. “I am sorry to hear that. Well let’s see if we can figure out what is making you so sick and help get you better.” I nod in agreement. Whatever it is she can do I want it. So tired of throwing up all the damn time. Doctor James continues asking me questions and everything seems to be going smoothly until she asks me one tiny questions that throws my entire world upside down. “Haylee can you tell me when was your last menstrual cycle?” I sit frozen. Shit when was the last time. I can’t be pregnant can I? No, I can’t be. Oh shit. I sit trying to remember if I had my period last month. Or hell even the month before that. I can’t remember. It isn’t uncommon f
or me to have one every other month since I get the shot. But I honestly can’t remember the last time I had my period. Holy shit could I be pregnant. I turn and look at Doctor James wide eyed breathing heavy. “Ok so I take it there is a possibility you could be pregnant.” She asks
“I don’t know. I mean I don’t think so. I get the shot every 4 months. I should be good still for another month shouldn’t I?” I ask in disbelief.
“Well, have you been extra careful and using condoms when you have had sex.” I shake my head no. Toni and I have never used a condom. But I was never worried about getting pregnant because I get the shot regularly. “Ok well Haylee I think it would be a good idea to take a look and see if you might be pregnant.”
‘But. But I get the shot. I don’t understand.” This isn’t happening.
“Yes the shot can be very affective and its good you get it on time every 4 months. Being on time helps keep its effectiveness but honestly when we give it we preach very hard that the shot is only 99% effective. That means dear there is a 1% chance you could get pregnant. And if the ultrasound shows what I am assuming it will show you are one of the lucky 1%.”
“Are you sure I just don’t have the flu?” Trying like hell to get any other answer other than I am pregnant.
“Ok while the technician gets the ultra sound machine up and running let’s go over all your symptoms. You came in this morning presenting to be very tired, body aches which can be a result from getting sick so often, and vomiting often. And with the fact that you can’t remember the last time you had your period and I am assuming you are having sex.” I shake my head yes. “Well than dear I think it is safe to say you are more than likely pregnant. So why don’t we walk a crossed the hall and just have a look. If I am right, then you will leave here today with your first picture of your new little baby and if I am wrong well then we do blood work and start figuring out what else may be wrong. Does that sound like a plan?”
I shake my head yes. Following Doctor James to the ultra sound room, get undressed like she has requested and lay down. After a few minutes I sit on the table crying. Crying uncontrollably. It is my worst nightmare. I am for sure pregnant. From what the doctor can tell I am about 2 months along. Which means I probably got pregnant from the first night Toni and I had sex. Should have known. No one has that great of an orgasm without it altering their life in some way. Mine just happened to be a change that last forever. And my tears aren’t all bad tears. I have always wanted to be a mom. The idea of having a little baby that will be just as handsome as it’s daddy warms my heart. But that is as far as my happiness can go. Toni has told me several times he is not daddy material. He never wants kids. I have even over heard him talking to other Brothers at the club if he was ever put in a position of either choosing having a kid or abortion he would choose abortion. I don’t really know why he is so strong on not having kids but whatever it is I know he won’t be happy about this. Which is why I can’t stop crying. The doctor has asked me to get dressed and meet her in her office to discuss options.
Once settled inside her office she starts laying out all my options. I stop her right as she gets going. “Doc I know I am crying and no this is not all good news for me right now but I am keeping this baby. I do not need or want any other options.”
After about another 10 minutes in the doctor’s office I am walking out into the lobby with a bag full of prenatal vitamins and pamphlets on what I should be expecting and what I can and can’t eat. I honestly have no idea what any of it all means. I will read it all later. Just right now I want to get as far away from this office as I can. When I walk out into the lobby I am still crying.
“Haylee what is wrong?” Monica says rushing over to me. I don’t say anything while we walk out to her car. Once settled inside Monica turns and looks at me “Haylee you are freakin me out. It is nothing serious is it? You don’t have cancer or anything like that do you?”
I start to laugh “Oh I am sure Toni will wish I had cancer.”
“What the fuck Haylee this isn’t funny.” Monica yells. “Tell me what is wrong now.” I hand her my bag. When she pulls out my bottle of pills she gasps in shock. “Oh my god Haylee. Are you pregnant?” I shake my head yes. “I don’t understand. We get the shot together. How can you be pregnant?”
“Well my dear friend when they give us the shot do you remember them saying it only works 99% of the time.” She shakes her head yes. “Well I am the lucky winner of the 1% it doesn’t.”
“Oh my god. What are you going to do? How do you think Toni will react?” All good questions and all questions I already have the answer to.
“I am keeping the baby. And as for Toni well I think he has made himself very clear. He does not want to be a dad. So I guess that means I am a single mom and he can go back to being single man whore Toni. Cause there is nothing that can or will change my mind. Not even my love for Toni. I am keeping this baby.”
Monica wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly. “Well I am here for you. Whatever you need or want I am here.” Monica says. I love this girl. She is truly a great friend and I know she will love my baby just like it is her own. “When are you going to tell Toni?”
“I am going to tell him after we get back. I don’t want to ruin the trip. Even if it is our last weekend together. I am going to enjoy every minute of it.” I say with a smile on my face. And I will. I will enjoy every second I have with him. Even knowing it will be brief.
We sit in silence during the ride back to our apartment. Once we get home we have only 45 minutes to finish getting ready before the guys get here to pick us up. Originally they wanted to drive their bikes but with how sick I have been lately Toni convinced Tank to drive his truck. Saying it would be better for me if I could rest on the way. When the guys arrive Toni rushes in and asks “So. What did the doctor say?” Clearly he is worried. Which I love him for worrying so much but I can’t tell him what is really wrong with me. He will leave me. And I am just not ready for that yet.
So I just put on a smile and say “Oh it is nothing. Doctor says everything will be fine. Even gave me some meds to help stop throwing up. All will be fine.” I lean up and give him a kiss.
Toni’s shoulders sink and he breaths out a sigh of relief. “Thank god. Tank had me convinced earlier today that you were pregnant.” He says laughing.
Before I can respond Monica jumps in “And what would be wrong if she was pregnant. Woman get pregnant everyday Toni. Its natural. Especially if you have sex.” She says all defensive.
Holding his hands up warding off Monica’s wrath and says “You are right Monica. Woman everyday get pregnant. I am just thankful Haylee isn’t. I just don’t want to be a dad.”
“You don’t ever want to have kids? Even with Haylee.” She asks. I have already told her all of this. But I think she needs to hear it herself first-hand to understand my comments from earlier. I know most people would have assumed I was just freaking out and worried but Toni and I have talked about all this. You know doing the whole getting to know each other thing. And he has always been very adamant about never wanting to have kids.
Toni shakes his head no. “Look I don’t expect you to understand Monica but Haylee and I have talked about this a lot and she knows I will not ever be a dad ever. Even with her. Just the way I am.” He says with a shrug. Only if it was that easy.
Monica turns and looks at me wide eyed. He just confirmed everything I told her earlier. Single mom here I come. I can do this. And I will do this. But for now I am done thinking about it. I want to have fun and enjoy what little bit of time I have left with him. Giving Monica a small smile I say “Ok well I am done talking about this. Let’s get going and have some fun.” Turning away from everyone so they can’t see the sadness on my face.
“Hell yeah let’s go.” Toni says as he walks towards the door.
“I am going to use the bathroom before we leave. I will meet you down there.” I say walking down the hall. I need a second to recoup a little. Today
has been over whelming, shocking and scary as hell all at the same time. When I walk out of the bathroom I find Tank resting against the wall. I smile at him “I had a good idea about going again before we leave didn’t I.” I say jokingly as I walk past him.